Year 7 Catch Up Premium

Statutory Info

The Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2).

The range of scaled scores available for each KS2 test is the same and will stay the same in future years:

  • 80 is the lowest scaled score that can be awarded, 120 is the highest scaled score
  • A pupil awarded a scaled score of 100 or more has met the expected standard in each test.
  • A pupil awarded a scaled score of 99 or less has not met the expected standard in the test.
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Aims/Objectives in Spending PPG
  • To ensure all eligible students receive educational benefit from the funding.
  • To raising the attainment of children who did not meet the expected standard at the end of KS2;
  • To improve the core numeracy and literacy skills of this group of students.
Measures to Reach Objectives

Until the mandatory re-testing of Year 7s is introduced, the College will continuously monitor and assess the attainment and progress of this group of students to ensure that they are progressing in-line with the cohort and their core numeracy and literacy skills show measurable improvement.

Breakdown of Pupil Premium Spending - Academic Year 2023 - 24

All students in receipt of the Year 7 catch-up premium have received some form of intervention in the academic year 2023-24.

Catch-up Premium document 2023-2024