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The School Day

School Life

The structure of our day allows our students more freedom to develop the personal and academic attributes they will need to succeed in the next stages of their education.

Our school day is longer than that of most state schools, lasting from 08:40 until 17:00 (15:45 on Fridays). This means that, alongside a high level of contact time with their teachers, our students also have ample opportunity for a wide range of co-curricular activities as well as independent study, collaborative study, academic intervention or extension and enrichment activities.

Image of pupils and teacher sat talking in their boarding house common room

Another unique feature of the school is that the whole school community sits down to eat their lunchtime meal together. Students can choose from a wide range of hot and cold options and eat in the College refectory with the staff and with their friends. Students are not permitted to bring in packed lunches.

The College day

Boarding morning routines 7.15am to 8.30am
Registration 8.40am to 9am
Period 1 9am to 9.45am
Period 2 9.45am to 10.30am
Period 3 10.30am to 11.15am
Morning Break 11.15am to 11.35am
Period 4 11.35am to 12.20pm
Period 5 12.20pm to 1.05pm
Lunch 1.05pm to 2pm
Registration 2pm to 2.15pm
Period 6 2.15pm to 3pm
Period 7 3pm to 3.45pm*
Afternoon Break 3.45pm to 4pm
Period 8 4pm to 5pm
Boarders Return to House 5pm
Dinner 6pm-7pm
Enrichment: Eton Societies, In-House Activities, Prep, Gym, Free Time 7pm-9pm
Boarding bedtime routines 9pm onwards (varies by year group)

*We finish at 3.45pm on Fridays


“The extended day – 8.30am to 5pm for all pupils, boarding and day – is the school’s secret sauce.”

Good Schools Guide