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After so much disruption and uncertainty over the past two years, our Upper Sixth students are celebrating this morning after achieving a phenomenal set of A Level results.

Despite lockdowns, periods of isolation, home learning and hybrid learning, more than half of all exams taken by our amazing cohort were awarded A or A* grades.

The College’s Head, Ben McCarey, said:

“We are so proud of all of our Upper Sixth students and all that they have achieved. They’ve dealt with every challenge the last two years has thrown at them with grit, determination and good humour and these results are a well deserved reward for their resilience. Given that A Level students have not sat exams in either 2020 or 2021, to secure our best ever set of results in 2022 is an extraordinary achievement for all concerned.”

I am a firm believer that education is about more than just the results you achieve and it is a credit to our students that, alongside gaining these incredible results, they have also been such wonderful members of our community. They are role models for our younger students, well rounded young adults and great human beings. We wish them all the very best as they move on to the next steps of their lives but hope that they will always remain a part of the Holyport College family.”

Class of 2022 A Level Results

Some top performers include Angelina with A*A*A*A* (English Lit, French, Politics, EPQ), Marcus with A*A*A*A* (Maths, Further Maths, Economics, Chemistry), Evie with A*A*A*A (Economics, Geography, Maths, EQP), Poppy with A*A*A*A (Maths, Chemistry, Psychology, EPQ) and Alex with A*A*A*A* (Maths, Further Maths, Physics, EPQ).

We look forward to sharing details of our students’ university choices over the coming days once they are confirmed.