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Admissions Process


Thank you for your interest in Holyport College. We are delighted you would like to consider a place with us.

Image of a teacher looking over a pupil working on a computer

Years 7 to 11, Boarding Admissions 

We still have a few boarding places available in year 7 and 8 for September 2024. Please complete the form below to apply.

For other years, we can assess your child for boarding suitability so that your child can be added to the waiting list if deemed Suitable to Board. Please complete the form below to apply.

Boarding applications require a registration fee of £150 to be paid before the form can be submitted. This can be waived at the discretion of the Registrar if you are making a bursary application.

Year 7, Day Admissions


Applications for day places entry in September 2025 open in September 2024 and close on 31st October 2024.

In-year applications for Day Places

Day places are full in all year groups. To add your child to the waiting list, please click on the link to print out the IN-YEAR APPLICATION FORM FOR DAY PLACES

Apply here

Image of 2 female pupils sat on the grass with one of the school dogs

Pupil Premium

Holyport College gives priority to a proportion of Year 7 day places to pupils eligible for the pupil premium (up to 20%). If you are applying under this criterion (category 5 of our Admissions Policy) please complete the Pupil Premium Priority form, which is available from RBWM. You should also ensure that you tick the Pupil Premium box on the local authority Common Application Form.